
toen ik nog klein was...

Op zoek naar een schooldiploma in de doos vol met kleine herinneringen uit mijn schoolperiode, kwam ik oude kaarten van pen vrienden van overzee, oude agenda's, en ook deze kinder trompe l'oeil tegen. Blijkbaar droomde ik die dag van een romantisch uitzicht op het platteland. Zoals ik dat nu heb.

Uitzicht uit het raam wasco op een kartonnen doos van Chips Smith,
met echte gordijnen geknipt uit een oude jurk van mijn moeder

Bladzijde uit mijn schoolagenda op de Havo, niets romantisch aan.
Vraag mij af wat mijn 'special subject' was..


Ik houd van die onverwachte momenten tijdens een fotoshoot,
die een bijzondere foto opleveren.
Hier Tina Lageweg van Paars Communicatie.

De enthousiaste burgemeester van gemeente Weststellingwerf.


Een volle week en ook nog Nederlands

Yep, een volle week, en mijn blog is vanaf nu in het Nederlands. Op veler verzoek, de Engelse blog is er nog steeds. Kijk maar bij mijn links.
Kunstacademie Minerva betekent voor mij volop experimenteren. Hier heb ik een van mijn tekeningen opgehangen in de tuin en in brand gestoken.

Dat leverde mij interessante en onverwachte momenten op.

..en dit bleef erover..

Gezamenlijk werk bespreken in een van de mooie ruimtes op Minerva. Ik vind het fantastisch allemaal en waan mij in een wonderlijke creatieve wereld waar alles kan.

Een klein experiment met draad, stift, inkt en montage kit.


Need some warmth inside on a cold winterday?

This easy & cheap dish will make you feel all warm & nice inside.
Hotchpodge with apples & potatoes

1 kilo potatoes-peel and quarter
750 grams apples-sliced (not the sweet kind)
250 grams apples-sliced (sweet)

cook potatoes 
add apples after about 20 minutes
boil till soft and mushy
drain but save the water

mash (add some of the water if dry), add nutmeg, butter, salt & pepper

A funny old fashioned recipe my dad made me some years ago, kind of Harry Potter effect this stew had, 2/3 through the dish I felt so warm I sweat. I think the nutmeg is the secret ingredient here.


Kunstcafe and plastic soup

Kunstcafe in Oosterwolde, artist Giem Kwee prepared a dish with fish soup and plastic waste, as a protest against the amount of plastic refuse floating in the Northern Pacific Ocean. Scientists have named it “Plastic Soup

One of the visitors  added to the work of art a glass of orange, nice touch actually


inspiration in fifth gear

Last friday I began an art course at 'KunstAcademie Minerva", Groningen. Such bliss to be back at school, I found it awe inspiring. Inspiration in fifth gear! I want to grow and here they use lots of 'creativity fertilizer'.

fellow student really absorbed..


in love

Central Station Amsterdam
What captured my attention was the boys hand barely touching the girls knee,
first touches, an intimate moment in the middle of Mokum, Amsterdam.
camera Leica M9


'Light fantastic'

Hiking is a wonderful leisure activity. I get a good workout while enjoying and photografphing the many beauties autumn light has on offer.

nothing beats autumnlight
camera Leica M9
camera Leica M9

even indoors, when having a coffee on route
camera Ipod Touch


to be continued

My sister Amber and I are working on a painting together, a real adventure. To be continued...
self portrait: camera Ipod


Country Fair

Took part in a Lifestyle Fair in Friesland. The fair was in recognition of October as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Serious subject but the fair was great fun.

My sister Amber the portrait painter at the fair.

Stout, strong and sturdy famer. Just loved him.
Lots of lifestyle products at the fair, this one was definitely the quirkiest:
fashion for the sexy farmer's wive.
Nurse Rianne fell in love with a very goodlooking farmerboy and really wanted to look the part. So she designed more feminine clothing to look gorgeous in when milking cows. In love and in business! Farmers just love to buy the overalls for their wives. Love and money do go together.


Favourite recipe of my grandpa and grandma

Today my mother told me about their all time favourite dish

two tomatoes, sliced
frying pan
slices of bread
coal or wood stove
someone you love

Sit next to each other, real close
heat butter, add tomatoes, wait till you hear them sizzle in the pan, add salt & pepper to taste,  put on slice of bread, close your eyes, eat, enjoy, kiss, again, fry some more tomatoes...

according to my ma, this simple dish brought them in a culinary valley of happiness
I can just imagine them together, having a gentle party


got invited for opening party Danish exhibition

We received an invitation for the opening of a Danisch expo in Fjaltring


Felt like being in a gunky movie from Danish director Anders Thomas Jensen

the artists are introduced

one of the artists resting and observing
I just love empty space, it's over the roof inspiring


Ikea chimney fire

Food inspiration at Ikea restaurant yesterday.
camera Ipod Touch


Gjellerodde Denmark
Denmark, country of empty space
Empty space, it makes me wonderfully happy in a very special way.
camera Leica m9